Corpse party blood covered pc download

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The series has spawned several manga works, an animeOVA series, drama CDs, theme park attractions, and two live action films. Corpse Party is a linear horror monsteradventure game with some role-playing elements. It is played in a third-person view, top-down perspective. Players are tasked with exploring the haunted school grounds for a means of escape. To fulfill this task, characters must interact with the environment and surroundings such as picking up objects, talking to other characters, and inspecting documents while avoiding enemy-like entities.

The game's story is split into five chapters, each focusing on different characters and featuring multiple endings that are achieved based on the player's in-game decisions: a 'True Ending' required for the game's progression; and several 'Wrong Endings' that are unlocked when the player performs events irrelevant to the main storyline. Characters also possess hit points HP , which measure how much damage they can take before dying, in some instances leading to a wrong ending.

As players progress through the game, they will unlock ten optional 'Extra Chapters', vignettes that focus on the game's side characters and expand the storyline. The plot of the Corpse Party series concerns a group of Japanese high school students who, after celebrating their school's culture festival, are telling ghost stories and perform a ritual.

The ritual is supposed to make them feel closer to each other as one of the classmates is moving away. A sudden earthquake transports them to a dilapidated schoolhouse in an alternate dimension that is haunted by the ghosts of people who have been trapped there. The main playable character is Satoshi Mochida, a kindhearted high school student who is teased by his classmates for his cowardly nature.

Three of the other characters are students from Satoshi's class: Naomi Nakashima, Satoshi's childhood friend; Yoshiki Kishinuma, an intimidating yet good-natured student; and Ayumi Shinozaki, the class representative. Rounding out the group is Yuka Mochida, Satoshi's younger sister. The game's antagonist is the red ghost of a little girl who seeks vengeance for her wrongful death.

Blood Covered , released in , is an enhanced remake and port of the Corpse Party. It includes more characters, larger maps, updated graphics, and professional voice actors. It was later followed by another enhanced remake, Blood Covered: Repeated Fear , which was released internationally as Corpse Party. The remake thoroughly expands the plot and setting of the original game. In addition to the five protagonists of the original game, Blood Covered introduces four characters to the playable cast: Seiko Shinohara, Naomi's best friend; Mayu Suzumoto, a popular student due to transfer out of Kisaragi; Sakutaro Morishige, Mayu's best friend; and Yui Shishido, the class's homeroom teacher.

Blood Covered also includes several characters from other schools who are also trapped inside Heavenly Host and affect the story. The red ghost is re-envisioned as a young child named Sachiko Shinozaki who kills the students of Heavenly Hosts in anger over her and her mother's murder.

A sequel to Blood Covered , Book of Shadows features a series of nonlinear chapters that add new twists and backgrounds for various characters and details important to the storyline. The game mostly takes place during the same time the first game did, continuing from one of the 'wrong ends' in Corpse Party , where Sachiko sends the Kisaragi Academy students back in time. For this purpose, she erases their memories except for Satoshi's. He tries in a desperate attempt to dissuade his classmates from performing the charm, but he joins them, not wanting to let them go alone, sending them on alternative course of actions and encountering several supporting victims in Heavenly Host.

The game's prologue, Blood Drive, serves as the set up to the eponymous sequel. Two weeks after escaping Heavenly Host, Ayumi and Naomi go to investigate the Shinozaki estate, Sachiko's birthplace, believing there is hope in reviving their dead friends since Naho and Kou Kibiki's existences were not erased like the other victims.

At the estate, Ayumi discovers that she is of the same lineage as Sachiko. Hearing an eerie voice, Ayumi uncovers a magical tome known as the Book of Shadows. Ayumi and Naomi perform a resurrection spell for Mayu, but fail. As compensation for using black magic, the book unleashes its rage upon Ayumi until her older sister Hinoe Shinozaki rushes in and saves Ayumi, at the cost of her own life. Sweet Sachiko's Hysteric Birthday Bash On the day of Sachiko's birth and death, the curse on her weakens and she gets 24 hours to celebrate her birthday as someone closer to the girl she was before her death.

She uses the timeloops as established in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows to force all survivors at that point to participate in activities she has set up.

Given it's either that or die horribly again, something all are aware that they've already experienced but can't remember in full, they go along with her demands. The game features almost all characters from the previous games and some new ones.

While a pseudo-horror spin-off at best, it is part of the storyline, setting up a few details to prepare for Corpse Party: Blood Drive. As with Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, there is only one extra chapter. This extra chapter takes place during the previous game and is more conventional horror.


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