Kawtar Rossi El Hassani. Teja Srinivas. Popular in Business. Joshua Ouano. Nick Fleming. Beverly Elep. Sangeeth Bhoopaalan. Soumen Debgupta. Jahangir Ali. Sapto Nugroho. Hoover Institution. Todd Alexander. Debbie Novalina. Monish Prasad Sapkota. Bai Nilo. The tasks of management at whatever level in the organization are to identify possible sources of problems, to plan preventive action in order to forestall act on advance the problems, and to solve them should they arise.
If this were not the case, managers would not be needed. When reduced to fundamentals, the vast majority of the problems are, in essence, quality problems. They are problems concerning the quality of work being performed, the quality of work that has been performed, the quality of items being received, the quality of information being communicated, the quality of available equipment, the quality of decisions made.
All quality problems have a cost associated with them. It, therefore, follows that the avoidance, prevention, and resolution of these problems equates to the prevention and reduction of unnecessary costs. Second- party quality audits help ensure a better final product by verifying that there are appropriate controls for inputs into the system. Second- party environmental or safety audits are not the norm; however, if a customer-supplier relationship included environmental and safety requirements, they could be audited as well.
The reason for most third-party audits is to verify compliance or conformance to specified regulations or standards. Some organizations seek third- party audits to improve their competitive position, for recognition in the form of a certificate, or for an award. IA2 Second- party audits help ensure a better final product by verifying that there are appropriate controls for inputs into the system. IB2 third- party audits is to verify compliance or conformance to specified regulations or standards, to improve their competitive position, for recognition in the form of a certificate, or for an award.
Usually, this statement is specific. However, a client may state the purpose in general terms with the understanding that the lead auditor will specify the particulars to fit the situation.
In the case of an audit performed on a regular basis, the purpose may have been defined and known well in advance of the audit by all parties.
First-party audits may be performed to assure management that the audited area is in compliance with particular standards and that the goals and strategies of the organization are being met. The following list provides example purpose statements for first- party audits. The Client. ISO ISO is an International Organization for Standardization ISO standard, published in , that represents the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.
ISO ISO is a family of standards related to environmental management that exists to help organizations a minimize how their operations processes, etc. It was created to focus on supply chain directives throughout the international telecommunications industry, including the USA.
AS AS is a widely adopted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry. ISO ISO Medical devices -- Quality management systems -- the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.
Risk Part IB exists in all processes; however, the kind and degree of risk must be managed. There may be safety worker or customer injury , environmental pollution, fines , financial loss of revenue, excessive cost , and customer goodwill loss of future sales risks. Management needs to be informed of risks to the organization as input into the decision- making process.
This could include product characteristics, product or process hazards, personnel or process safety, and environmental controls. This is often called risk- based auditing.
A starting point for risk- based auditing is for the organization to identify and quantify its risks. Risk-based auditing is a style of auditing which focuses upon the analysis and management of risk. In the UK, the Turnbull Report on corporate governance required directors to provide a statement to shareholders of the significant risks to the business. This then encouraged the audit activity of studying these risks rather than just checking compliance with existing controls.
The latter is now the basis for a family of international standards for risk management - ISO A traditional audit would focus upon the transactions which would make up financial statements such as the balance sheet. A risk-based approach will seek to identify risks with the greatest potential impact. Strategic risk analysis will then include political and social risks such as the potential effect of legislation and demographic change. An experiment suggested that managers might respond to risk- based auditing by transferring activity to accounts which are ostensibly low risk.
Auditors would need to anticipate such attempts to game the process. In this section we have discussed organizational risk as a purpose of an audit. Later we will discuss audit program risk and audit process risk. By determining that the supplier is meeting the requirements specified in a contract, the purchaser gains confidence in the quality of goods and services being delivered. The following list provides example purpose statements for second- party audits. The purpose statement for most third-party audits is very specific, as shown in the following examples.
These audits have penalties associated with them fines, jail, or both , so they are very serious. The purpose of the audit is determined by the regulatory agency and is normally specified in the regulation or law.
These audits focus on detailed compliance with regulations or laws to ensure that companies are protecting the environment, the public, and their employees.
Shell, BP, Aramco.. The audit scope normally includes a description of the physical locations, organizational units, activities and processes, and the time period covered. The audit scope indicates or fixes a limit or extent of the audit. The scope has been described as the breadth of the audit and may specify areas not to be included in the audit. Quality- related computer systems will not be addressed during this audit. If the scope or audit criteria must be changed before or during the audit, the audit participants should be informed of the change and it should be documented in the audit plan.
If two or more management systems of different areas or disciplines e. Comments: The good sorter system was indeed a good quality system? Certification also refers to the process of validating and verifying the credentials of individuals such as auditors. Comments: This a fact not gossiping? Comments: An audit universe represents the potential range of all audit activities and is comprised of a number of auditable entities.
The audit universe represents a potential range of all audit activities and is comprised of a number of auditable entities. The next stage is to prioritize the audit universe based on a risk assessment.
This is a two step process and involves preliminary and final prioritization. This includes management consultations, review and consideration of available departmental risk information, including the Corporate Risk Profile CRP , the latest Management Accountability Framework assessment, strategic review, business planning, the Report on Plans and Priorities RPP , departmental and government priorities, the most recent tabled financial statements, and other considerations such as previous audit results both internal and external.
Finally the draft audit plan is distributed to Departmental Audit Committee for review and recommended to the Deputy Minister for approval. The following diagram highlights the four key phases used in the selection process for the development of a robust risk-based audit plan. For statutory issues, interpretation of laws is often required and can be viewed as the domain of lawyers who are members of the bar. Auditors may be qualified as technical subject matter experts SMEs but lack appropriate recognitions by interested bodies.
Management can utilize the objective data to make informed decisions regarding the achievement of organization objectives. Management can use this information to evaluate the organization and implement measures necessary to meet its objectives.
Even more useful is a management review of potential inefficiencies. With the kind of information that process and system audits provide, management is better prepared to move forward with more- informed decisions. Elevation of nonconformity resolution to the PDCA paradigm modal requires the use of more contemporary tools for problem solving, improvement, and overall management.
The universe of opportunities expands as new knowledge and theories are developed. System and process auditing can provide this new knowledge, if understood and properly applied.
Measurements are plotted on the chart versus a time line. Measurements that are outside the limits are considered to be out of control. The baseline for the control chart is the accepted value, an average of the historical check standard values. A minimum of check standard values is required to establish an accepted value.
After the audit, the manager said that he had learned more from attempting to answer and document the driver for the activity than from any previous audit experience. It reinforced the actions needed for an activity and surfaced unnecessary actions. Comments: The 5-Why did works to improve quality as a means for root cause analysis? The primary goal of the technique is to determine the root cause of a defect or problem by repeating the question "Why?
The "5" in the name derives from an anecdotal observation on the number of iterations needed to resolve the problem. Not all problems have a single root cause. If one wishes to uncover multiple root causes, the method must be repeated asking a different sequence of questions each time. The method provides no hard and fast rules about what lines of questions to explore, or how long to continue the search for additional root causes.
Thus, even when the method is closely followed, the outcome still depends upon the knowledge and persistence of the people involved. The technique was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda and was used within the Toyota Motor Corporation during the evolution of its manufacturing methodologies.
It is a critical component of problem-solving training, delivered as part of the induction into the Toyota Production System. The architect of the Toyota Production System, Taiichi Ohno, described the 5 Whys method as "the basis of Toyota's scientific approach.
In other companies, it appears in other forms. Under Ricardo Semler, Semco practices "three whys" and broadens the practice to cover goal setting and decision making. HB audit evidence 3. ISO agreed- upon Assessment to determine requirements are being met. The ISO vocabulary standard explains that requirements may be generated by various stakeholders or interested parties. Requirements may be specified or they may be generally implied, such as customs or common practice.
This definition recognizes that not all requirements can be specified. For example, we expect new products to arrive clean, services to be performed in a timely manner, reports to be legible, and service persons to practice good hygiene, even though such requirements may not be specified in a document, contract, or standard.
The audit criteria may be referred to as system or process requirements, rules that the auditee follows, or a specific named standard or regulation. The audit principle is that auditors audit against criteria, a set of rules or specified controls, and not their own opinion of what the auditee should be doing. The evidence collected, which is used as a basis for findings and the audit report, should be relevant to the audit criteria.
Assigned auditors must be knowledgeable of the audit criteria, document, or standard that the organization is being evaluated against. Auditors must be competent, and part of that competency is knowledge of the audit criteria and their interpretations.
Question: Customer and corporate specifications; do these include company quality manual and alike? There are four levels of performance standards: 1.
Policies: Examples include corporate policy statements, international and national quality system standards, regulatory standards, and business sector standards. Manuals: Examples are corporate manuals and plant manuals. One may exist for each function, department, or division.
Procedural documents: These include the step- by-step requirements for doing a job. Detailed documents: These documents, such as drawings, purchase orders, product specifications, and inspection plans, contain specific requirements or instructions.
Part IC To perform an audit, an auditor must be aware of the audit basis, sometimes called reference standards, audit criteria, or performance standards. The compliance or adequacy of a system cannot be measured until those requirements are defined. These reference documents may include the following: 1 management system, product, or process standards, 2 contracts, 3 specifications, 4 organization policies and objectives, and 5 laws or regulations. ISO ISO Medical devices -- Quality management systems - the requirements for a comprehensive quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices.
An organization may adopt certain standards because it is in its best interests, such as for external marketing or providing an internal structure for managing the organization. Contracts Audit against… In a second- party audit, the purchase order or other contract between two parties states the specific requirements that must be met, and an audit is performed to verify that the supplier is meeting those requirements.
Contracts may specify that a supplier establish and maintain a management system standard such as ISO or ISO A third party may verify that the supplier conforms to the management system standard. An auditor examines physical dimensions, placement or arrangement of items, or chemical compositions, for example, to see if they are in compliance with the specified requirements. These policies are often stated in manuals and are the basis for a quality, environmental, or safety program.
Most companies publish specified objectives. Objectives may relate to cost, safety, stewardship, health, efficiency, effectiveness, optimum use of resources, and so on. Auditors can verify the progress of departments, functions, and projects toward the achievement of objectives.
The audit criteria must be stipulated as part of the audit plan. There is no minimum or maximum limit to the amount or kinds of audit criteria. However, for an audit to be performed, there must be audit criteria. If there are no criteria to compare the organization with, the investigation may be called a survey or review. Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of on July 30, to protect investors from the possibility of fraudulent accounting activities by corporations.
The SOX Act of , also known as the Corporate Responsibility Act of , mandated strict reforms to improve financial disclosures from corporations and prevent accounting fraud. The Act was in response to accounting malpractice in the early s when public scandals such as Enron Corporation, Tyco International plc and WorldCom shook investor confidence in financial statements and demanded an overhaul of regulatory standards.
Long title: An Act To protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures made pursuant to the securities laws, and for other purposes. Described by function, these participants are the client, the auditor, and the auditee. An auditing organization, which employs auditors to carry out audits, may be internal to a company or an independent organization, such as the auditing group of a quality or environmental program certification body or consulting organization.
In internal audits, the client is the top management and the auditee is the function or area to be audited. The origin of the term audit client comes from the very first application of audits in the United States external financial audits. After the Great Depression, laws were passed requiring a financial audit of the books of companies subject to securities and exchange regulations. In order for the audit results to be creditable, the audits had to be performed by outside certified public accountants CPAs.
These CPA auditors were hired by a client. Today, we call them the auditee. The CPAs delivered their report to the client, who gave it to the audit committee on the board of directors. By its nature, an audit can cause stress between participants. The more contentious belligerent, argumentative, controversial the relationship between participants such as the auditor and the auditee , the more difficult it will be to achieve compliance, conformity, or improvement.
Determines the need for an audit b. Determines the audit organization to be used c. Determines the audit purpose d.
Determines overall audit scope and may confer with the audit program manager or lead auditor to define specifics e. Addresses budget issues f. May determine the audit team leader or delegate the responsibility to the audit program manager g. May choose to attend audit process meetings such as the exit meeting h. Receives the audit report i. Determines and directs the distribution of the audit report j. Determines the need for follow-up actions k. Supports the audit initiative l.
Understands the purpose and scope of the audit b. Understands the audit criteria being audited against c. Prepares for the audit d.
Performs the audit to collect evidence to verify conformance or nonconformance to the audit criteria e. Records the results of the investigation perhaps on a checklist f. Attends the opening and exit meetings g. Reports findings to the lead auditor h. Cooperates with the lead auditor i. Verifies the correction of previous nonconformities if directed to do so j. Provides input to the formal report if directed to do so by the lead auditor or client k.
Maintains confidentiality of the audit information l. Reports conflicts of interest to the lead auditor m. Is ethical and adheres to an organization code of conduct or the principles of auditing as listed in ISO , section 4 4 Principles of auditing Auditing is characterized by reliance on a number of principles.
These principles should help to make the audit an effective and reliable tool in support of management policies and controls, by providing information on which an organization can act in order to improve its performance. Adherence to these principles is a prerequisite for providing audit conclusions that are relevant and sufficient and for enabling auditors, working independently from one another, to reach similar conclusions in similar circumstances…… The guidance given in Clauses 5 to 7 is based on the six principles outlined below.
Significant obstacles encountered during the audit and unresolved diverging opinions between the audit team and the auditee should be reported. The communication should be truthful, accurate, objective, timely, clear and complete. An important factor in carrying out their work with due professional care is having the ability to make reasoned judgements in all audit situations. Audit information should not be used inappropriately for personal gain by the auditor or the audit client, or in a manner detrimental to the legitimate interests of the auditee.
This concept includes the proper handling of sensitive or confidential information. For internal audits, auditors should be independent from the operating managers of the function being audited. Auditors should maintain on the audit evidence. For small organizations, it may not be possible for internal auditors to be fully independent of the activity being audited, but every effort should be made to remove bias and encourage objectivity.
It will in general be based on samples of the information available, since an audit is conducted during a finite period of time and with finite resources. An appropriate use of sampling should be applied, since this is closely related to the confidence that can be placed in the audit conclusions.
Is responsible for communication with the client, auditor program management, and the auditee representative b. Provides audit team selection input if requested to do so? Communicates audit plan and requirements to auditee d. Ensures that necessary resources are available to audit team e.
Ensures the team has the appropriate working papers f. Plans the audit and directs the audit team g. Conducts audit process meetings h. Prepares audit report i. Manages the audit process and resolves conflicts of interest or other personnel issues j.
Coordinates audit with the lead auditor b. Informs employees of the pending audit purpose and scope c. Addresses logistical issues with the lead auditor d.
Provides adequate space and privacy for the opening and exit meetings e. Attends the opening and exit meetings f. Provides area for auditors to work and meet if requested g. Cooperates with the auditors h. Provides access to areas included in the audit scope i. Acknowledges audit results j.
Assigns auditors not lead author unless delegated to scheduled audits b. Ensures availability of resources budgeting c. Establishes a reporting relationship that ensures objective and impartial audits d. Qualifies auditors knowledge, experience, and skills Teacher?
Establishes controls procedures, criteria, plans, and objectives for an effective and efficient audit program f. Creates, distributes, and maintains audit program schedules g.
Reports audit program progress to management h. Monitors auditor performance i. Determines audit program objectives and creates plans to accomplish the objectives j. Keeps and safeguards audit program information k.
Ethics are basic philosophical conclusions about whether conduct and behavior are right or wrong. Ethics are also moral principles by which an individual is guided. It is imperative necessity, obligation; command, order; that auditors be ethical objective and impartial and behave appropriately with professional conduct in carrying out their responsibilities.
Objectivity, courtesy, honesty, and many other character attributes combine to make up the particular conduct of any auditor during an audit. The audit participants must provide the audit service in such a manner as not to cause harm or injury, for which the law gives a remedy to the auditee as damages, restitution reparation, compensation, reimbursement ,specific performance, or injunction. The content of the ASQ code of ethics is included in certification examinations.
Acceptance of the code of ethics by the examinee is required prior to certification. Many companies and professional organizations have developed a code of ethics to guide them in the performance of their work. Although these codes of ethics represent different perspectives, they both have the same basic principles described in their standards of conduct.
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Login links. Primary menu. Secondary menu. An audit schedule is an integral part of which of the following phases of the auditing process? Please choose the correct answer. Who makes the final determination regarding the distribution of the audit report? Which of the following best describes a frequency distribution?